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Elementary school attendance is so important to overall success in school.  We believe in building strong attendance habits early so that the priority of school attendance carries on through middle school, high school, and beyond. Your student's presence in school will help teachers progress through curriculum, make sound instructional decisions, and meet every student's learning needs. We want all students to be at school on time, every day.


We understand that family's have emergencies, celebrations, and other momentous events that can take students away from their class for days. But we are asking all families to try and plan holidays during the school's holiday calendar. We are also asking families to fill out the "Extended Absences" form and return it to the office with an academic plan for the days that will be missed. It is our schoolwide goal to reduce the number of days students are missing so that all students can benefit from having every student receiving the planned instruction every day. 


Help your student succeed in school - from


Extended Absences Form - Lake Washington School District Form


Full Year LWSD Calendar - Try to plan trips around School Closures


Tardiness Adds up


Mann faces many challenges when it comes to getting to school at the start time: 8:30 a.m. Every time a student is late, they are missing out on instruction, culture-building activities, and more. The teacher will have to slow down to repeat directions or the student may be lost. We value every minute a student has in class with his or her teacher and classmates.  We are tracking tardies and will meet with families that are regularly tardy. Again, we'd like to set good habits for future schooling and careers.


What you can do:

  • Set the alarm a few minutes earlier.
  • Have a backup plan with a neighbor or family member for rainy days, chaotic days, or days when a parent is ill.
  • Set weekly goals of and reward the student and family for being at school by the bell.
  • Let us know if there is something else preventing you from arriving on time.

If you are late, please park and come into the office with your student to sign him/her in. As always, we are here to support you and your family so that every student can be future ready. Please reach out if there is anything we can assist you with or if you want to discuss this further.



Serving the families and staff of
Horace Mann Elementary
17001 N.E. 104th St.
Redmond, WA 98052
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